Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

english speech for mc

Assalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb

Excellency the chief of government in district cipari
Excellency the chief of disdikpora cipari
Honorable Mr. Muhtar Nawawi , S.pd . The Head Master of SMP Al Islam Cipari
Respectable All teacher and workers of SMP Al Islam Cipari
Honorable Father and Mother of Ninth grade students
Unforgettable All my friends

First of all, let’s pray and thank to Alloh SWT be said Allhamdullilah …… who has given us mercies and blessing, so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation.

Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guide us, from the darkness to the lightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness and from jahiliyah era to the Islamic era.
Ladies and gentlemen

Thirdly, I’m here as master of graduation ceremony, I would like to read the agenda this morning:
1. The first agenda is opening
2. The second agenda is reading of holy Qur’an and translation
3. The third agenda is Sholawat prophet Muhammad SAW
4. The fourth agenda is approval from the leaders of this meeting
5. The fifth agenda is approval:
6. The sixth agenda is graduation ceremony:
a. The first approval from vice of ninth years student
b. The second approval from vice of seventh and eight years student
c. The third approval from headmaster of SMP AL ISLAM Cipari and graduation of ninth years student
d. The fourth approval from vice guardian of ninth of years student
7. The seventh agenda is closing
Happy audience these are our agenda in this meeting, and now, let’s step to the first agenda that is opening. Let’s open our program by reading umul kitab together,
“Biroillah mardotillah……….Alfatehah…..” Thank you very much and may our program be able to run. Well from opening to closing. Amin.

The last agenda is closing and pray
Alhamdulillah, we have enjoyed agenda by agenda, be able to run well and now, we are going to seventh agenda, that is closing and pray. But before closing our program this morning, I realize that, I have done many mistakes, during bringing this program, so I apologize to you all and now to Mr. Khojin S.pd. you would like to lead this pray.

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