Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

foto-foto sunu


<!--[endif]--> <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->                                          MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PAIKEM
Oleh : P R I Y O N O
Waka Kurikulum SMP Al Islam Cipari

Secara khusus istilah “model” diartikan sebagai kerangka konseptual yang digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam melakukan suatu kegiatan.
Dalam pengertian lain model juga diartikan sebagai barang atau benda tiruan dari benda yang sesungguhnya, seperti globe adalah model dari bumi. Istilah model yang digunakan dalam paparan ini merujuk pada pengertian yang pertama yaitu sebagai kerangka konseptual. Dengan demikian yang dimaksud dengan “Model Pembelajaran” adalah kerangka konseptual yang melukiskan prosedur yang sistematis dalam mengorganisasikan pengalaman belajar untuk mencapai tujuan belajar tertentu, dan berfungsi sebagai pedoman bagi para perancang pembelajaran dan para pengajar dalam merancang dan melaksanakan aktifitas belajar mengajar. Dengan demikian aktifitas belajar mengajar benar-benar merupakan kegiatan bertujuan yang tertata secara sistematis Saripudin dalam Siti Mulyani (2008 : 3).
Bruce Joyce dan Marsha Weil dalam Saripudin dalam Siti Mulyani (2008 : 3) menyajikan berbagai model belajar yang telah dikembangkan dan ditest keberlakuannya oleh para pakart pendidikan. Dalam berbagai model belajar tersebut menyangkut kegiatan guru mengajar, akan tetapi ;lebih menitik beratkan pada aktifitas belajar murid. Lebih lanjut dijelaskan bahwa hakikat mengajar atau teaching adalah membantu para pelajar memperoleh informasi, ide ketrampilan, nilai, cara berfikir, sarana untuk mengekspresikan dirinya, dan cara-cara belajar bagaimana belajar. Dalam kenyataan sesungguhnya hasil akhir atau hasil jangka panjang dari proses belajar mengajar ialah kemampuan siswa yang tingi untuk dapat belajar lebih mudah dan efektif di masa yang akan datang. Karena itu, proses belajar mengajar tidak hanya memiliki makna deskriptif dan kekinian, akan tetapi juga bermakna prospektif dan berorientasi masa depan.
Menurut Ahmad Muthohar dalam Seminar Regional Jawa Tengah bahwa model-model/ strategi paikem (active learning) adalah sebagai berikut :
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Everyone Is a Teacher Here (Setiap murid sebagai guru)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Writing In The Here And Now (Menulis Pengalaman secara Langsung)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Reading Aloud (Strategi Membaca dengan Keras)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->The Power Of Two and Four (Menggabung 2 & 4 Kekuatan)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Information Search (Mencari Informasi)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Point-counterpoint (Beradu pandangan sesuai perspektif)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Reading Guide (Bacaan terbimbing)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Active Debate (Debat aktif)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Index Card Match (Mencari jodoh kartu Tanya jawab)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Jigsaw Learning
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->role play (main peran)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Debate Berantai
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Listening Team (Tim Pendengar)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Team Quiz (Pertanyaan Kelompok)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Strategi Ceramah Plus
Pembelajaran Aktif, Inovatif, Kreatif, Efektif dan Menyenangkan yang biasa disingkat dengan PAIKEM merupakan strategi dalam merancang, menerapkan model pembelajaran yang dalam  pelaksanaannya tercermin sifat-sifat pembelajaran sebagai berikut :
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Semua pihak yang terlibat dalam proses pembelajaran harus mempunyai tingkatkan keaktifan dengan porsi yang sama atau seimbang menurut kebutuhan materi ajar.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Peserta didik harus dapat diarahkan untuk mampu menyalurkan kreatifitasnya menurut batasan materi ajar disesuaikan dengan indicator-indikator yang ingin dicapai melalui kegiatan belajar mengajar tersebut.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Kegiatan belajar mengajar tersebut juga harus dapat berjalan seefektif mungkin baik dilihat dari sisi waktu yang disediakan, sarana prasarana belajar yang tersedia yang kondisi- kondisi lainnya yang melingkupi proses pembelajaran tersebut.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->Ø  <!--[endif]-->Proses pembelajaran juga harus dapat menciptakan suasana yang menyenangkan sehingga para pihak yang terlibat akan mempersiapkan dirinya untuk dapat terlibat sepenuh hati dan pikiran. Dengan demikian kegiatan pembelajaran tidak membosankan dan dapat menghindar dari hal-hal yang bersifat monoton.
Bentuk model pembelajaran PAIKEM dapat diadaptir dari model-model belajar mengajar para ahli yang secara khusus telah dikembangkan dan dites oleh para pakar pendidikan. (Siti Mulyani, 2008 : 3). Selanjutnya menurut Siti Mulyani model-model pembelajaran dapat dikelompokkan dalam empat kategori sebagai berikut :
<!--[if !supportLists]-->a.     <!--[endif]-->Kelompok Model Pengolahan Informasi (the information processing family), yaitu meliputi model pembelajaran Pencapaian Konsep (Concept Attainment), Berfikir Induktif (Induktive Thingkin), Latihan Penelitian (Inquiry Training), Pemandu Awal (Advance Organizers), Memorisasi (Memorization), Pengembangan Intelek (Developing Intellect) dan Penelitian Ilmiah (Scientific Inquiry).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->b.     <!--[endif]-->Kelompok Model Personal (the personal family) meliputi model-model pembelajaran ; Model Pengajaran Tanpa Arahan (Non Directive Teaching); Model Sinektiks (Synectics Model); Latihan Kesadaran (Awareness Training); dan Model Pertemuan Kelas (Classroom Meeting).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->c.      <!--[endif]-->Kelompok Model Sosial (the social family) yaitu meliputi : Model Investigasi Kelompok (Group Investigation); Model Bermain Peran (Role Playing); Model Penelitian Yurisprudensi (Jurisprudential Inquiry); Model Latihan Laboratoris (Laboratory Training); dan Model Penelitian Ilmu Sosial (Social Science Inquiry).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->d.     <!--[endif]-->Kelompok Model Sistem Prilaku (the behavioral system family) meliputi model-model pembelajaran : Model Belajar Tuntas (Mastery Learning); Model Pembelajaran Langsung (Direct Instruction); Model Belajar Kontrol Diri (Learning Self Control); Model Latihan Pengembangan Ketrampilan dan Konsep (Training for Skill and Concept Development) dan Model Latihan Asertif (Asertive Training).
Disadur dari berbagai sumber

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

school activities conversation


School staff : Good morning. What can I do for you?
Mr. David : Good morning. I’m David. I’m from SMA N 1 Sidareja. I have appointment
with the headmaster. May I see him?
School staff : Sure please come in and have a seat. I’ll let him know.
Mr. David : Thank you
:(A few minutes later)
School staff : Sorry, sir. The headmaster is with a guest right now. He will meet you in a
: few minute. Is that OK
Mr. David : That is Fine.
School staff : You’re welcome

Ari was chatting with his friend during the break
Ari : I know you are good in English. Did you have a nice experience when you learn English Ji?
Aji : Yah I have. Do you want to hear it?
Ari : Sure! Who knows I can follow you so that my English improve.
Aji : This happened on the third month of my school day in junior high school.One day I had to do something that I had been afraid to do for long time.
Dani : What was it ?
Leo : please don’t cut his story
Deni : Sorry. Go on Ji
Aji : I had to tell my experience in English that day. Tried to remember the story word by word

SLAMET : Hi Andy. Good morning.
ANDY : Good morning. Are you OK?
SLAMET : Alright. How about you?
ANDY : Fine. Where have you parked your motorcycle?
SLAMET : I have parked my motorcycle at the west corner.
Park your motorcycle well or it will be broken!
ANDY : thank for your suggestion.
: Let’s go to the classroom. it is seven to five minute
SLAMET : you right.


ANDI : Ari, wow what a nice motorcycle.
You look very excellent.
ARI : Thank you very much. My father just got it at Mataram Sakti in Sidarja
yesterday. And you look great with your king motorcycle
ANDI ;That very kind of you.
Let’s go to classroom. The bell is ringing
ARI : all right
In front of the school when coming

Sity : Hallo Nur, Morning.
Nury : Morning.
Sity : How is everything with you?
Nury : Not to bad
Sity : How do you go to school?
Nury : As usual, I go to school on foot. My house is not far from here. It is about 500
meters. How about you? You don’t go to school by motorcycle, do you? Why?
Sity : It will be brought by my brother. He wants to go to hospital. My
father is sick
Nury : I am sorry to hear that. What time do you go to school?
Sity : I go to school at about 06. 30. Hurry up! The bell is ringing.
Nury : OK let’s go!
In front of the school when you are coming late
Yudy: : Good morning sir?
Teacher : You are late, aren’t you? Why?
Yudy : I’m so sorry Sir for coming late. I get up late. Because I do my home work until
01.30 am last night
Teacher : I see. Stand here please!
: Hi Jony, come here! Hurry up! Why do you come late?
Jony : Sorry Sir. The bus runs very slowly so I’m late. Please forgive me!
Teacher : It is OK. Stand here! You are late. You have to responsible with your mistake.
Yudy, you must sweep all of terraces in this school and you Joni You must water
all of flowers. After finishing your task you may enter to your class.
Jony, Yudy : Yes Sir,
Teacher : Don’t be late again.
In the terrace before Class
Ahmad : Hi, Al. How are you?
Ali : I am very well. How about you
Ahmad : So and I. You must sweep our class this Morning. It is your duty to sweep (your
Ali : Okay, Would you help me to sweep?
Ahmad : I love to, but I am going to do my home work. I haven’t finished my Home
Work last night. Have you finished?
Ali : Yes I have.
Ahmad : Hurry Up. The bell is going to ring.

In the Class Room before the Lesson
Jika : Hi, Vina. Have you done your English home work? It is about
Degree of Comparison
Vina ; Oh my god, I forget about it. I haven’t done my home work. How about you?
Jika : I have finished.
Vina : may I copy your home work?
Jika : Of course. Here you are?
Vina : How spell this word?
Jika : It is T A L L E S T.
Vina : What does it mean?
Jika : Paling tinggi
Vina : Thanks Jik.
Jika : Don’t mention it. Don’t forget again
Vina : OK Mam.
In the Class Room after finishing the Lesson in the First Period
Rani : Hi Sil, do you understand with Mr. Rido’s explain? Our English teacher
Silvi : No, I don’t. I confuse. This material is so difficult. How about you?
Rani : In thing it is easy. It is only about simple present tense and
English is my Favorite subject.
Silvi : How do you study English?
Rani : I study it every time and every where?
Silvi : How diligent you are. Hem I must study hard.
Rani : Look, our science teacher come. Be silent please!
Silvi : OK.
In the Class Room after finishing the Lesson in the Seventh Period
Andy : Hi rik you look up set. What’s wrong with you?
Rixy : I’m very tired and sleepy. I went to bed late last night.
Andy : Poor you. Why did you go to bed late?
Riky : I went to my friend house and I watched calico league
It is Juventus vs Roma 2-2
Andy : Oh I see. What time did you go home?
Rixy : It was about 01.00 am.
Andy : how did you go there?
Rixy : I went bay my motorcycle
Andy : With whom did you go there? And you went home alone, did you?
Rixy : yes, alone. Look, our teacher come. Sit down in your chair please!
In Front of class in the First Break
Susi : Zi, I heard your team won TUB competitions last week.
: Let me congratulate you
Zizi : Thank you.
Susi : By the way, do you remember your promise. You will treat me.
Zizi : Yes I remember it. Let’s go to canteen now.
Susi : Thank you.
In the Terrace In the first Break after Canteen
Siti : where have you been?
Ani : I have been from Teacher office. I have Delivered Mr. Andy’s Mathematic
Book but he isn’t in his office then I give it to Mrs. Sasa. And how about you?
Siti : I have bought candy from canteen. Would you like l candy?
: Here you are?
Ani : Thank you very much? Do you see sita?
Siti : Yes I do. I meet her on the way to canteen.
: do you have problem with her?
Ani : No I don’t. I want to return her money. I borrow her money
: Look, Sita is coming here.
Sita : Hi everybody what are you doing?
Ani : I am waiting you. .I want to return your money.
Here is your money
Sita : Thanks. Let’s come into the Class.
Siti and Ani : OK.
In the Class room after the last lesson
Andy : Hi Al. You can do English daily exam Just now. You are the best .
My congratulation on your success.
Ali : I study hard before the exam. How about you?
Andy : I can do all I only can get 5. I must remedial test. I am the worst.
Ali : I thing you mast study hard. Al how do you go home?
Andy : I go home by motorcycle.
: Let’s go home together
Ali : I love to, but I want to play basket ball. I follow this extracurricular.
Andy : Ok. See you tomorrow .Bye
Ali : See you. Bye
Aji : have you done your English homework to record the English news from radio
Wisnu : yes I have. How about you have you done it?
Aji : not yet. I don’t know how to record English news from radio. Can you tell me the step
to record English news from radio?
Aji : First of all, choose the radio station which broadcast English news.
Second insert the blank cassette into the compartment.
Third set the function switch to the tape position. Next you press the button. The play
Button is depressed automatically. Than adjust the sound level with the volume
Controls to your preference. After that, to stop the recording temporarily, push down the
Pause button. Finally, to stop recording completely, push the stop or eject button.
Aji : are you sure?
Wisnu : yes I am sure.
Aji : thank you Wisnu, I’ll go home and record the English news. See you!
Wisnu :bye!
Dedy : Adit, Did you watch The Indonesia League?
Aditia : Pardon?
Dedy : I said, did you watch The Indonesia League last night?
Aditia : Unfortunately not. I feel asleep. What was the score?
Dedy : 3-2 for persija. It was getting very tight ketat though. Arema was leading in the first half
but Bambang Pamungkas scored two goal in the first half. The game was really worth
Aditia : Too bad I missed it. Who will play tonight?
Dedy : Persib Bandung and PSSM Medan.
Aditia : Look, our Biology teacher come. Be silent please!
Silvi : OK.
Rati : Aji, Did you watch TV last night?
Aji : Yes, I did. I watched a boxing championship in the television. It was a women boxing
Rati : A women boxing championship? Do you mean the boxers are women?
Aji : yes.
Rati : Who was the winner?
Aji : Laila Ali. Do you know her?
Rati : Do you mean Muhamad Ali?
Aji : I mean Laila Ali. She is her daughter.
Rati : Oh, is she a boxer?
Aji : Yes, she is.
Rati : I thing that only a man could be a Boxer.
Aji : Many people think so. But in fact, there are woman who become boxers. One of them is
Laila Ali. She is the word champion in the class.
Rati : Really I’ve never heard about it before.
Aji : Yes, it is true.

Melati : The bell has rung. Let’s enter to the classroom, war!
Mawar : Okay. Would you like sit with me?
Melati : Sure. Let’s sit at the front of seat, will you?
Mawar : It is good idea
Melati : waiting the teacher, let’s check our homework at first
Mawar : It is all right

ALI : Good morning, Doni.
Doni : Good morning. How was your weekend?
Ali : I have nice weekend.
Doni : Did you?
Ali : Yah, I have lot of any free time.
Doni : What’s your hobby?
Ali : Photography. What about you?
Doni : I like playing the guitar. When did you take photograph the last time?
Ali : I did it last weekend.
Dony : Where did you go to take pictures last weekend?
Ali : in the mountain, the view was very beautiful.
Dony : Really? Did you bring the pictures?
Ali : No. I’ll show you tomorrow. Hurry up! The bell is ringing.
Dony : OK let’s go!
Aji : do you have any plans this afternoon?
Arif : I don’t know. Way
Aji : I want to ask you to join a football game at school.
Arif : Me? Are you sure?
Aji : Yes, do you like playing football?
Arif : Yes, I do
How often do you play football?
Aji : Once a week
Arif : Where do you usually play football?
Aji : I usually play it in the field near my school.
: So, can you join us?
Arif : I’m sorry. I can’t join with your team.
Aji : Would you mind recommending a friend to replace you.
Arif : You can contact Budi
Aji : OK. Thank you.
Tony : excuse me my I come in Mr. Fidaos
Mr. Fidaos : Sure, Come in
Tony : Sorry I am late Mr. Fidaos. I had a flat tire.
Mr. Fidaos : Al right. But next time make sure that you are on time. Now sit on
your seat please.
Tony : Thank you Mr. Fidaos
Mr. Fidaos : Aji you were absent for two days. Can you tell me way?
Aji : I was ill Mr. Fidaos. I have faver. I had to stay at home
and take a rest. I went to the doctor and took some medicine.
Mr. Fidaos : Are you fine now?
Aji : Yes Mr. Fidaos, I’m better now.
Dea : Hurry up Lina! The sky cloudy. I think it will rain soon.
Lina : don’t worry, Dea. I brought my umbrella with me.
Dea : do you always bring your umbrella to school, Lina?
Lina : No, I don’t. I usually bring it only in rainy season. My mother aerlways tell me to bring
Dea : that very good, Lina. I’m a forgetful girl. Some Time I forget bring my umbrella.
Lina : when you and your study at night don’t forget to put the umbrella in your bag
Dea : you are right. Thank for your suggestions, by the way, your umbrella is very beautiful
Where do you buy it?
Lina : I bought ono supermarket in Sidareja.
Dea : can you tell me where is sit.
Lina : well it is about 7 km from SMA N Cipari. It is on Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 35 Sidareja
It is beside BCA bank.
Dea : I see.

Riko : What are you doing Aji?
Aji : As you look. I am reading.I am reading the famous legend from Lombok. It is about the
legend of princess Mandalika.
Riko : who was she?
Aji : According to the legend of the Sasak tribe, she was a beautiful princess in Lombok.
Many princes loved her but she decided not to choose one of them to avoid a battle
among them.
Riko : What did she do, then?
Aji : Whenever the king (her father) asked her whom she loved, she preferred to go to the
beach and whenever the king called her name, and she always said, ”Ku ta” [ ku mean I
am and ta means here]. When several princes asked her to make a decision, she runs
to the beach and said to her father “Ku ta”. Then the beach was named ‘pantai kuta’ but
that is not pantai kuta or Kuta beach in Bali. That beach is in Lombok. She jumped into
the sea and turned in to the small worm called ‘nyale’. Year by year Nyale turned into
colorful sea-worms and the people along the kuta beach in Lombok eat them because
they are delicious.
Riko : wow , that is very interesting legend. I hope I can visit Lombok some time.
Fajar : Salma look happy today.
Asti : Yes, she got a good score in the math test in this morning
Fajar : Really. Did she study hard?
Asti : Well last Saturday I went to her house. She plays basketball in the afternoon. After
playing she wanted something for dinner but she didn’t have anything to eat.
Fajar : so what did she do?
Asti : she went to the grocery store beside her house to bay a lot of things and cook them for us
Fajar : Oh, no! Really?
Asti : She a Cooking course last semester, you know. She cut up the vegetables with knife
Fajar : what did she do on Sunday?
Wati : She studied all day long.
Fajar : no doubt she got good mark.

Lia : Hai Din, Din Retno invited me to come to her birthday party. Did she also invite you to
Her party tomorrow morning?
Dini : yes, she did. What about going to her birthday party together? I think it is good to go
there together because we can talk about many things on the way there. What do you
thing about that?
Lia : I thing that’s good idea. Well what time shall we go there?
Dini : what about a half past six?
Lia : don’t you think that, it is too early? In my opinion we’d better go there at half past
seven because the party will begin at eight. That OK I will pick you up at half past seven.
Dini : do you know my house is ?
Lia : Well, your house is white paint. It is on MT Haryono Street next to elementary school.
There is green grocer in front of your house
Dini : Right. Well the bang is ringing. Let’s go back to the class.
Lia : OK
In the Class Room after finishing the Lesson at the First Period
Didi : Hai do, why were absent yesterday?
Dodo : I was sick. I had to stay at home
Didi : did you see the doctor?
Dodo : yes, I did. I went yesterday with my mother. The doctor took my temperature and he said it was normal. I didn’t have a fever. It was just common cold. He gave me prescription and I got the medicine from the pharmacy. He advised me to take all the medicine
Didi : are you better now?
Dodo : yes, I am. I feel much better

After school in the terrace
Ahmad : you look so hurry. Where are you going Ikbal ?
Ikbal : I am going to go to Sidarja to buy book in the peni bookshop but I don’t know
How to get there from SMAN 1 Cipari ?
Ahmad : sure. It just next to church ce: c
Ikbal : church
Ahmad : that’s right. Do you know where the church is?
Ikbal : I’m afraid. I don’t
Ahmad : Go straight to the east until you get to the terrific light in Sidareja. Go ahead
about 200 meters until you fine church. It is next to church.
Ikbal : thank
Ahmad : it is OK
Ikbal : see you
Ahmad : see you
Teacher : Good morning everybody?
Student : Good morning, sir?
Teacher : How are you this morning? How is everything with you? How are you doing?
Student : I’m fine. I’m very well. I’m pretty well. Not too bad. And you?
Teacher : I am fine too. Okay, let’s prepare a set of paper. Please
Student : Is it for a test, sir?
Teacher : yes you’re right. So, don’t make any noise and don’t open your dictionary and
your note book!
Student : All right sir
Teacher : submit your work when you’ve finished and put your paper on my desk!
Student : Yes sir?
Riny : oh my god, I forget to bring my pen. How can I do the English test.
Rina : You needn’t worry about it, Riny. I bring two pens. You may use one of them
Riny : oh thank you Rina. You’re the best my friend.
Rina : Don’t mention it. Let’s do the test.
Riny : Okay.
Ratih : do you bring your dictionary?
Sisi : I think so. I bring it in every English lesson.
Ratih : may I borrow it?
Sisi : sure. Here you are. But, don’t forget to return it to me.
Ratih : All right. I just look up three words. ( After few minutes)
: thanks. I have found the word. I’ll return your dictionary.
: Here you are.
Sisi : don’t forget bring your dictionary!
Ratih : Yes Sisi
Mr. danu : Good morning everybody?
Student : How are you this morning
Mr. danu : I’m fine. And you?
Student : I’m pretty well
Mr. danu : who is absent today?
Student : Tini sir.
Mr. danu : Is there permit?
Student : yes, there is. It is from Tini’s mother
Mr. danu : OK, let me see
Student : All right here you are.
Mr. danu : thank you. Now let start our lesson and open your hand book page 10
Student : All right

In The Terrace before Class

Irwan : Hai Dan, how many periods do you have on Monday?
Danu : Seven the first period is for ceremony and other six periods is for five subjects
Irwan : Do you English on Monday?
Danu : yes, I have physic, math, science, English, Biology.
Irwan : On Monday we have art, sociology, chemist, Indonesian and economic.
Danu : only five subjects. What about English?
Irwan : Yes we have English every Wednesday and Saturday
Danu : let’s come into the class. The bell is ringing
Irwan : okay.

english speech

Assalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb

Excellency the chief of government in district cipari
Excellency the chief of disdikpora cipari
Honorable Mr. Muhtar Nawawi , S.pd . The Head Master of SMP Al Islam Cipari
Respectable All teacher and workers of SMP Al Islam Cipari
Honorable Father and Mother of Ninth grade students
Unforgettable All my friends

There is not the most beautiful sentence to say, in this morning, except to pray and thank our god ALLOH SWT, cause of his blessing and mercies, so everything can be perfomend well such as our meeting this morning, and insya Allah everything that we done will be useful in our life not only in this world but also in here after,
Amin Amin Ya Robbal’Alamin.
We never forget to convey Sholawat And salam to the last messenger of Allah our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the bad character to the good one, so his guidance we can compare and differentiate the right way and wrong one in order that we can get and enter our gods paradise.
I am here as vice of seventh and eight years students please let me to express our suggestion and impression to the ninth year’s students who will graduate from this school. We are sad to separate with our friends. But what will we do? But we must release there is meeting there is separate.
We always remember when we study together, play together, discuss together and sometime we make some problem that make us worry but we can be solved in here in SMP AL ISLAM CIPARI. We are very sad if we must look you all go away from this school, I love you, and I love SMP AL ISLAM. But why we must separated and we can not stop your passing. However we are in the different place but you are always in our heart. We are one in SMP AL ISLAM CIPARI. Please forgive me for our mistake when we lived together, may be we always disturb you. And here, I will give you some suggestion, the first you must be successful in your life and to be yourself, and useful for your religion, your parents, your country and anything.


I think that all. Thank you very much.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

english speech for mc

Assalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb

Excellency the chief of government in district cipari
Excellency the chief of disdikpora cipari
Honorable Mr. Muhtar Nawawi , S.pd . The Head Master of SMP Al Islam Cipari
Respectable All teacher and workers of SMP Al Islam Cipari
Honorable Father and Mother of Ninth grade students
Unforgettable All my friends

First of all, let’s pray and thank to Alloh SWT be said Allhamdullilah …… who has given us mercies and blessing, so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation.

Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guide us, from the darkness to the lightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness and from jahiliyah era to the Islamic era.
Ladies and gentlemen

Thirdly, I’m here as master of graduation ceremony, I would like to read the agenda this morning:
1. The first agenda is opening
2. The second agenda is reading of holy Qur’an and translation
3. The third agenda is Sholawat prophet Muhammad SAW
4. The fourth agenda is approval from the leaders of this meeting
5. The fifth agenda is approval:
6. The sixth agenda is graduation ceremony:
a. The first approval from vice of ninth years student
b. The second approval from vice of seventh and eight years student
c. The third approval from headmaster of SMP AL ISLAM Cipari and graduation of ninth years student
d. The fourth approval from vice guardian of ninth of years student
7. The seventh agenda is closing
Happy audience these are our agenda in this meeting, and now, let’s step to the first agenda that is opening. Let’s open our program by reading umul kitab together,
“Biroillah mardotillah……….Alfatehah…..” Thank you very much and may our program be able to run. Well from opening to closing. Amin.

The last agenda is closing and pray
Alhamdulillah, we have enjoyed agenda by agenda, be able to run well and now, we are going to seventh agenda, that is closing and pray. But before closing our program this morning, I realize that, I have done many mistakes, during bringing this program, so I apologize to you all and now to Mr. Khojin S.pd. you would like to lead this pray.

english speech

Assalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb

Excellency the chief of government in district cipari
Excellency the chief of disdikpora cipari
Honorable Mr. Muhtar Nawawi , S.pd . The Head Master of SMP Al Islam Cipari
Respectable All teacher and workers of SMP Al Islam Cipari
Honorable Father and Mother of Ninth grade students
Unforgettable All my friends

First of all, let’s pray and thank to Alloh SWT be said Allhamdullilah …… who has given us mercies and blessing, so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation.

Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guide us, from the darkness to the lightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness and from jahiliyah era to the Islamic era.
Ladies and gentlemen

I am here a vice of ninth grade student of SMP Al-Islam Cipari. Let me express our impression and suggestion to the seventh and eighth grade of SMP Al-Islam Cipari
That will be left. We don’t want leave you but we haven’t ability to struggle this situation. We are very sad now because we must separate and we must go and getting our dreaming. Even tough we separate but our heart one we can’t forget you. I always remember you where ever and when ever. I will remember the sweet memory when we study, discus and play together in our school in SMP Al-Islam Cipari. You are the best friend in our live now and forever. We premise that we will love you in every step of us.
Dear all my friends we need your support and praying to get our dreaming. We believe you can do it. And so we are. We will pray for you and support for your success.
Thank a lot for your support when we live and study together and please forgive us for our mistake since we live together in SMP Al-Islam Cipari. We have ever made you angry when we did activities together in this school. For example when were doing scouting, marching band, sport another activities.
Dear all my friends seventh and eight student we hope you can follow every activities in the school. Please do your student duty. Don’t disturb the rule of school. If you want your knowledge useful, study diligently. Don’t be lazy if you want to be successful if you fail, don’t be in despoiled. Take that experience to blaze your.
Thank of all. If I have some mistake please forgive me.

Wassalamualaikum. Wr.Wb